Liquid cooling or water cooling is an alternative to traditional air cooling. It involves circulating coolants across specific components of the personal computer to remove excess heat. Take note that every computer generates heat but certain circumstances such as unfavorable external environment or using too much processor resources can result in overheating.


  1. Less clutter and more space:Traditional air cooling uses fans. A typical air-cooled PC has several fans installed inside the PC case. These include fans for drawing air inside and outside the case, specific fans for the graphic card, and other specific fans for the CPU or processor.
  2. Noise-free operation:Fans generate noise that becomes more audible when the PC is overworked. The PC becomes noisier with too much fans. Another one of the advantages of a liquid cooling system over air cooling system is that it does not generate the same noise. It is actually relatively silent.
  3. Better overclocking potential:Overclocking a CPU or raising the frequency of the processor chip beyond the stock frequency is popular among computer hobbyists and builders. However, doing so results in too much power consumption and heat generation.
  4. Cooling specific components:A higher degree of cooling specification is another one of the benefits of liquid cooling. This means cooling specific components of the computer to a greater degree than in traditional air cooling.



  1. More costly or expensive:One notable disadvantage of liquid cooling over air cooling is that it is considerable costly to set up. Fans are prevalent in the market and this overabundance of supply means they are cheap.
  2. Complex to install:Setting up a liquid cooling system from scratch can be tricky because it requires a certain degree of understanding in the fields of electronics and thermodynamics. This is another considerable disadvantage, especially for newbies. Take note that a good liquid cooling system should remove excess heat effectively and immediately.
  3. Susceptibility to leaks:Poorly implemented liquid cooling system is likely to result in leaks. Note that water or liquid coolant can accelerate the corrosion of metal parts and damage electronic components. Pressure inside tubes can also build up due to too much heat absorbed by the liquid resulting in leaks.




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